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Some of my dear clients over the years:


Luca Padawan ist ein sehr zuverlässiger, vielversprechender neuer Trainer, mit dem ich an der SciDog University in einer Klasse war. Ich hatte ihre Arbeit gesehen, und sie war eine der besten der Schule. Die bescheidene Art, mit der sie an Aufgaben herangeht, die Art, wie sie sich ständig weiterbildet, und die Art, wie sie mit Hunden und Situationen umgeht, sind außergewöhnlich. Sie hat alle Eigenschaften, die einen guten Hundeverhaltensforscher und einen guten R+ Trainer auszeichnen; sie ist zuverlässig, fleißig, sorgfältig, aufmerksam und hilfsbereit. Sie versteht Hunde wie nur wenige. Sie war an der Spitze der Klasse, als wir alle wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für R+ angstfreies Hundetraining studierten. Auch ihre Abschlussarbeit war beeindruckend. Sie verfügt auch über Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen in der Rettung, Sozialisierung und Therapie. Ich empfehle sie sehr, es ist toll, mit ihr zu arbeiten.

Eniko J.

volunteer · cat&dog sitter · foster · certified Animal Protection Guard · certified Dog Trainer Lead · Mensa member

"As someone who's known Lu since childhood and have not only fostered but learnt dog training with her, I can attest that Lu has a lifetime of experience with animals, and what's most important, a natural talent to connect with them on a level where words aren't needed. It's amazing to me every time to see how a dog or a cat melts when she's stroking them. Besides her extensive experience, she's also put so much time and effort into constantly educating herself on training methods that are the most progressive of their time."

Luca T.

Certified R+ Dog Trainer · Founder & CEO of Gazdikör

"I know Luca-Borbala from a course about dogs and training techniques (from 2021). This course focused on the proven advantages of the positive reinforcement and the scientific background of the knowledge we could (and should) know about our 4-legged friends. So there I found out that Luca already had a trainer history, and on top of that, she was active in animal protection as well. I know her as a dog lover, who understands the “fury students” and can help them easily, as she has all the tools and knowledge, plus of course, the ability to use them. But there was one area where Luca was really outstanding, and it was the communication with dog owners. For lots of us (including myself) sharing critic opinions or suggestions in an assertive way can be a tough task, needs preparation, etc., but Luca does it in a very natural way by herself. She can highlight the important message meanwhile she remains absolutely supportive of the owner. I think it’s a key skill for a good trainer, as this is the way how we can help the owners in any case and make them understand a certain situation, instead of (unintentionally) hurting them. If the owner can understand a problem better, then they can help their dog in a more efficient way and at the end, this is our main aim. So once again, I think Luca is a great trainer even if we focus on her relationship with the dogs or the owners. Besides this, she is a really nice, open-minded girl with a good sense of humor, so I would be happily her colleague or friend."

Tamara K.

volunteer · cat&dog sitter · foster · certified Animal Protection Guard · Dog Groomer ·

I have known Luca for over 10 years. In that time, I have observed that she is caring and devoted to her dogs and to others around her. She is knowledgeable in dog training as she continuously educates herself. She has volunteered for dog shelters and fostered dogs with several types of behavioral issues, which she successfully treated and/or rehabilitated. She has also attended many canine behavior courses over the years simply for self-enrichment. She has helped me improve my own dogs’ behavior issues as well as my fostered dogs’. Luca is a very capable, compassionate, dependable dog trainer and I would highly recommend her.

And some more photos of my dear ones...

All images are the courtesy of me and @pexels

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